Wednesday, April 05, 2006

How To Write A Blog Release That Will Get Maximum Results

When writing your blog release there are a few tips that will help you turn an ordinary topic into the sort of hot item that will end up giving you massive publicity amongst leading blogs and beyond.

a) Put yourself in the shoes of the reader. What is of interest to them? How can they benefit from the information that you have?

Christopher Kyalo’s Blog Release Report

A single idea can make you successful beyond your wildest dreams. Find your ideas, find your opportunity in these quick news items on what is happening in the world of blogs and on the net in general.

b) Sometimes simple information of something you are doing in your blog can be of great benefit to many folks out there. My advice is that any new thing you do at your blog, simply announce it in a brief blog release. You will not hit a home run every time but you never know when you will and end up increasing your traffic many times over. What’s more, every small item will attract some sort of interest.

c) As much as possible give actual figures and numbers to support what you are saying in your blog release. You can even get figures from the industry in general to illustrate a specific thing in your web site. Figures will always add great weight to any press release and any blog release for that matter.

d) There is nothing wrong with using your targeted keyword phrases in your blog release. In this case you should ensure that the same blog release is also posted at your own blog/site.

* We accept Press Releases (We call them blog releases here) for possible free posting in this blog. Send in yours now, Email me Now and you stand a good chance of getting massive free publicity. Read my terms and conditions for using Press Releases. You can also read tips on how to write the blog release that will get you attention and a massive amount of links.

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